Education at the Department of Genetics

The educational activities of the Department of Genetics are linked to the BSc, MSc and doctoral programs of the Institute of Biology of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics of the University of Szeged. A magyarul és angolul oktatott kötelező és szabadon választható tantárgyaink a klasszikus és a modern molekuláris genetika, fejlődésgenetika témaköreit egyaránt érintik. During the seminars and practical courses, in addition to genetic problem-solving examples, students also gain insight into the methods of modern genetics and cell biology.

genetika tanszék labor oktatás
szte genetika tanszék gyakorlati oktatás

There are four research groups in the Department of Genetics, which are focusing on the genetic regulation of the circadian rhythm of plants, archaeogenetic researchthe function of proteins of the cytoskeleton and understanding of the differentiation of gametes At the department students, undergraduate and PhD students gain insight into the development of a research project using the most modern genetic, molecular biological and microscopic techniques.The research groups maintain extensive Hungarian and international collaborations. Groupmeetings and seminars and often in English, so students have the opportunity to learn and use the professional English language, which could help them to be involved in research in an international environment. Research education is supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Hungarian Research.

Dr. Rita Sinka
associate professor, PI